Calm Dog Project is a company focused on helping you and your dog live you best lives. Together! Calm Dog Project is all about bringing wealth of knowledge and enthusiasm to Crawford County and the surrounding areas.

Inspired by genuine love and understanding for all animals, particularly dogs, backed with proven scientific training methods that are non-aversive. 

Training is fundamental in building a confident, collected, well behaved Calm Dog. 

Positive Reinforcement training, counter conditioning to triggers, desensitization to stimuli, are all used to change the emotional response of your dog.  Working with breed specific behaviors, practicing calm, and building confidence, with clients. (And their dogs!) 

Calm Dog Project has the goal to train pet owners to be their dog's trainer.

Teaching communication to you to share with your dog, clearly and effectively.

Creating a great relationship with your dog, and educating you how to get a reliable pet, that makes their own good decisions and listens the first time.